Jazlyn J Children's Books

Designed for children ages 3-9, the Jazlyn J books are based around a spunky, fun-loving character who is learning as she grows. Jazlyn learns, with the help of her parents and friends, the same life lessons that kids today are experiencing.
At the end of each day, Jazlyn and her family share their favourite parts of the day. It is a look back at everything good in the day, lessons learned and things appreciated.
By looking at favourite parts of the day, Jazlyn discovers that there really is a bright side to every situation! Favourite parts is Jazlyn J's way to finding the positive in life's great lessons!
Jazlyn is a character kids can relate to, but she has her share of unique characteristics that kids just love!
Her favourite number is seven. She is seven years old, was born in the 7th month, on the 7th day, there are 7 days in the week to have fun and she goes to sleep every night at 7 o'clock.
Her absolute favourite colour is green (she wears it every day!) and she collects fuzzy and fun slippers! (She actually wears a different pair of slippers in every story)
Jazlyn loves hockey and soccer and playing with her friends. She wears wonderfully large glasses and her hair is always in pig tails and all of the characters are signatured with rather large ears. (All the better to hear and learn with!)
The series was created to show kids just how easy it is to take an ordinary day and learn something extraordinary in a positive way!
All About Jazlyn J:

· Each book represents a letter of the alphabet.
· Each book touches on a topic of importance for kids ages 3-9.
· Jazlyn J is a spunky, high-spirited character.
· Her favourite colour is green.
· She wears a different pair of fuzzy, cozy slippers in every book.
· She always wears her hair in pigtails.
· She wears very large glasses.
· Her favourite number is 7.
· Her favourite sports are hockey and soccer.
· At the end of each book, Jazlyn and her family share their favourite parts of the day.
· Her father's favourite parts are ALMOST always about food.
Favourite Parts of the Day:

At the end of each book, Jazlyn and her family share their favourite parts of the day. This is something that my own son and I started when he was four. We really looked forward to this.
Each day we would save up everything that happened that was positive, fun and special to us and we shared them just before going to sleep. I found he went to sleep with happy thoughts in his mind and had a better night's sleep.
Since writing these books, many parents tell me that they have shared favourite parts of the day with their own children and enjoy that time with their kids.
I reserved any serious discussions or concerns of the day for dinner time or after dinner when the family is together, or when we had some quiet time together to talk things out.
I hope you enjoy sharing your favourite parts of the day. - Renná
Our Goals

The goals of the Jazlyn J series are to give kids positive-thinking skills and guide them to appreciate all experiences in their everyday lives.
Jazlyn J, the character, is learning as she grows. No day is perfect but how we choose to deal with the various parts of our day is up to us.
Thinking and being more positive in life gives kids a better chance at success in whatever they set out to do. It helps breed life skills that they'll need in order to accept when things don't go exactly as they planned or when they are surprised with the unexpected.
I encourage every parent to share in the joy of reading. Kids remember this special gift for a lifetime. - Renná